

As reported in the Amazon’s best seller “Fintech, Web Marketing, Crowdfunding” written by our CEO Augusto Vecchi, crowdfunding is increasingly being used as a marketing tool. So not just as a financial formula to raise capitals, but a prominent part of a communication strategy which has the aim to make the project and the brand of the proposing company known. Therefore, the advantages of a crowdfunding campaign are many: - Raising capital - Testing a product or probing an initiative - Capturing the attention of difficult-to-reach users/investors - Giving visibility to the company or the proposer.
As we already had the chance to mention, Italy Crowd Co. Ltd. Has been the first to bring the real estate crowdfunding to Italy, therefore we have had a long experience in the sector. But the sign that really distinguishes our current platform is absolute transparency and security through the blockchain. That is, our data, in addition to being public, cannot be tampered with by anyone.
Equity crowdfunding is based on the exchange between shares and capital. This formula is generally used to launch a product or strengthen the company with the entry of new members. Social lending or P2P (Peer to peer) is a loan between individuals, in fact it is the formula adopted for those looking for liquidity.
Considering the growing interest of investors in real estate Peer to peer (Loan between private individuals), which has led the lending crowdfunding sector to overtake that of equity crowdfunding, from March 2020 Italy Crowd also offers users the opportunity to make investments with the lending formula (P2P).
All projects are analyzed, studied and verified by a group of industry experts (internal or external to the Italy Crowd board) who validate the publication on the platform. We have as partners: Swiss Crowd SA, the Astebook Group and consolidated construction companies (which are able to support us in the most complex cases). We analyze the projects from a technical-economic point of view and evaluate the financial solidity of the proposer. The goal is to propose only financially sound and transparent projects on the platform using blockchain technology.
The duration of our real estate projects can vary between 1 or 2 years. The duration is well specified in the presentation of every single real estate initiative.
Any company that has a real estate project or wishes to develop a real estate initiative can send us a proposal, which will be evaluated by us for free. Therefore our service is available for: - Construction companies - Public companies - Project developers - Real estate agencies - Investment funds.
Initially you need simple information about the project, that is: - Business plan (pdf) - Floor plans (pdf) - Images (jpeg HD). Later if considered interesting: - Certificate of Incorporation of the Company - Latest budgets - Financial structure of the project - More details of the project - Redering
Italy Crowd operates as Payment Agent (n° 86892 REGAFI) of the French Payment Institute Lemon Way SA, recognized by the Bank of Italy. The transaction are, therefore, performed and guaranteed by Lemon Way.
Once your digital wallet (wallet) has been created and reloaded by bank transfer or credit card, you will be ready to invest it in one or more projects. The investment transaction passes from your wallet to a frozen escrow account in the name of the proposing company, but protected and managed by the Lemon Way Payment Institute. Only at the end of the campaign and if the set goal is achieved, Italy Crowd will authorize Lemon Way to unlock the Proponent's account, which will be able to dispose of the capital raised for the implementation of the project. At the set deadline, the Proponent will pay interest (ROI) and return the capital initially paid to the investors.


The interest paid by the proposing companies to Italy Crowd investors will be subject to a withholding tax of 26%, according to current Italian tax legislation. These proceeds will then be reported in the tax return phase. The proceeds deriving from Lending Crowdfunding activities received through Italy Crowd are considered “capital income”. Therefore they will contribute to the definition of the taxpayer's income taxed according to the IRPEF brackets for individuals or IRES for companies. Examples: 1) The person who receives the sums on loan (the Proponent Company), will act as withholding agent by applying a withholding tax of 26% as an advance payment to natural persons and non-commercial entities resident in Italy. 2) The proceeds received from loans made by individuals can be included among capital income and subject to the withholding tax of 26%, the user who received them must verify the need for a tax adjustment in the tax return based on to its echelon. 3) If the person entitled to the interest is, in turn, a company resident in Italy, no taxation at source will be applied. 4) The percentage of withholding defined in the Convention against double taxation, stipulated between the Italian State and the foreign state of residence of the User Investor, will be applied to the proceeds received from loans made by individuals residing abroad. We recommend that you verify your position, directly with your accountant.
Even if real estate investments are characterized by a reduced risk, it can happen that a Proponent does not repay his debt. Since the contract signed with the Proponent is governed by Italian law, if this is not respected, in addition to the interests of default established in advance, legal actions will be taken against the Proponent himself.